Exercise Rehabilitation at SouthWest Chiropractic

You don’t have to be a diehard CrossFitter or marathon runner to benefit from exercise rehabilitation. In fact, we give rehab and exercise to all of our patients, not just our athletic ones. Whether you’re a school-aged child, young parent or active grandparent, you’ll likely get various aspects of rehab at SouthWest Chiropractic.

Movement Is Life

Want to have a healthier and potentially longer life? Staying active is one of the best ways to allow you to do just that. Movement truly is life. If we don’t move, we have problems and these can become increasingly bigger with lack of motion. Through exercise rehab, we can help you stay active for a lifetime.

We seek to tailor our chiropractic skills and all the technology we have to help our patients feel better. We’ll also give you the information and movement literacy you need to continue to improve your injuries outside of the clinic.

Providing Tailored Care

Empowering and Equipping You

Although you’ll spend a relatively short period of time throughout your daily life with us, outside the clinic you can make an impact on your injury. You can do so by using all the tools that we give you and the insights that we have to help you get out of pain.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I have to do rehab exercise? Isn't Chiropractic enough?

Although chiropractic care is beneficial, creating sustainable results comes from adding exercise rehab to your treatment plan. During your visit you will be shown what movements will create change in your condition. Oftentimes, our doctors will use rehab movements in their exams to establish a baseline movement competency analysis. This helps uncover what areas of the body are really causing the problem you are experiencing. With this knowledge, you the patient will be given movements that will create improved strength, flexibility, endurance and overall increased resilience in the body which will allow you to move better, and feel better.

Do you offer physical therapy on-site?

While we don’t have physical therapists on staff, our chiropractors are fully capable of providing physical rehabilitation for many different types of injuries. All of our doctors have advanced training in exercise and rehab, allowing them to guide patients through their pain experiences utilizing the best evidence-informed strength & conditioning principles. We work closely with physical therapists in the community all the time, and when conditions arise that we feel would benefit more from traditional physical therapy, we would be happy to refer you to a trusted provider.

Do you have exercise equipment at the office that you'll have me use at the end of the appointment? Or do you just provide exercise handouts for me to take home and work on?

Our unique clinic setting allows our doctors to use our rehab space during and after your appointment. We utilize our rehab space often for demonstrating and performing exercises with you, so you are confident in your ability to perform the movements outside of the clinic. You’ll also be given instructions and video links for your specific movements that you can access anywhere. Here, you’ll never just be given a piece of paper as you walk out the door with no context. We want to make sure that our patients understand why doing these exercises is essential to improving their condition.

Why do I have to do rehab exercise? Isn't Chiropractic enough?

Although chiropractic care is beneficial, creating sustainable results comes from adding exercise rehab to your treatment plan. During your visit you will be shown what movements will create change in your condition. Oftentimes, our doctors will use rehab movements in their exams to establish a baseline movement competency analysis. This helps uncover what areas of the body are really causing the problem you are experiencing. With this knowledge, you the patient will be given movements that will create improved strength, flexibility, endurance and overall increased resilience in the body which will allow you to move better, and feel better.

Let Our Team Help You

Whether you’ve just experienced an injury, or you’ve tried everything under the sun for your pain or particular condition and haven’t gotten results, we’d love to help you. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!

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Business Hours

Monday 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Tuesday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Wednesday 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Thursday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Friday 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
1st & 3rd Saturday 09:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Sunday Closed