7565 Office Ridge Circle
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
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(952) 943-1188
7565 Office Ridge Circle
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
Let us help you!
Stop In and Visit UsÂ
(952) 943-1188
At SouthWest Chiropractic, we provide high-intensity laser therapy. Our advanced laser delivers light energy to the body’s cells that relieve pain and swelling, break up scar tissue and reset the chronic pain cycle. This unique therapy is FDA-approved as effective, safe and able to address acute or chronic pain. It’s been used in Europe for more than four decades. Elite athletes from all around the world rely on healing laser therapy to recover from their injuries.
Laser therapy doesn’t involve a temporary form of relief. It repairs the cause of your pain, the damaged cells of the body. Our Class IV laser penetrates deeply into the tissue to give long-lasting results. You often won’t need to keep taking pain medications or spinal injections that only provide a temporary respite. In some cases, you may be able to avoid surgery, saving time, money and a prolonged recovery.
There is a broad array of conditions that can benefit from laser therapy, such as
Do you remember learning about photosynthesis in school? During this process, a plant uses the sun’s light energy and converts it into the chemical energy it needs to grow. When you have laser therapy, your body will convert the laser’s light energy into the chemical energy the body’s cells need to develop.
The benefits of laser therapy include
A complimentary consultation with one of our doctors at SouthWest Chiropractic is available.
Would you like a second opinion? They will review your current medical records and any diagnostic imaging you have (MRIs, X-Rays, CT scans) to assess if you would benefit from laser therapy. (This second opinion consultation does not include a physical exam or new diagnostic testing.)
Seeking information and options for treatment from several specialists is encouraged as it will equip you to make the best choice for your care.
Our patients find that the warming sensation is soothing and relaxing. Laser therapy continues to provide benefits after you’ve completed a session, with each one building on top of the progress you’ve already made.
You may feel better after just a few sessions. Or you might feel an improvement over time. Certain injuries or conditions can take longer to heal than others.
Experience relief with High-Intensity Laser Treatment! Whether you’re dealing with a recent injury or struggling with persistent pain that hasn’t responded to other treatments, we’re here to help. Contact us today to schedule your appointment and take the first step toward lasting relief.